July 1, 2013


The local carnival came to the end of its six week run a few Sundays ago. Since it was two blocks from our apartment, Peter and I went to check it out on its last day. The weather cooperated just long enough to get us on the Ferris wheel, where we snapped some pictures whenever the wind died down.

Our afternoon ride.
 Looking North, towards the center of the city.

Watching to make sure none of the other gondolas were being blown away in the wind.

We also explored some of the rides, games and food kiosks.

 It looks like the Jersey Shore influence has reached Belgium.

While the carnival gets a bad rap from the locals (kids were screaming on rides until 2 a.m.), it was a nice addition to the neighborhood, and a good opportunity to get out and take some pictures. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Meghan Shapiro Hodgin said...

totes reminds me of the Jersey Shore! See, you're not so far away from "home" :)