March 5, 2010

Make Yourself...Run

So apparently, I'm a glutton for self improvement.

Make Yourself was started to chronicle my career development, and well, now I'm too busy with my career to blog. Make Yourself stop working should be the title.

So while my work life and home life are stable and functional, I decide to, oh, challenge myself.

On a whim after a very disappointing attempt to fit into my favorite jeans, I decided I was going to do the Broad Street Run in Philadelphia on May 2. No big deal? It's 10 miles.

Background: I'm not a runner. I tried cross-country for two years in middle school and didn't come in last ONCE. I haven't run more than 2.5 miles at one time ever.

So now I'm Making Myself run. And run. And run.

I have 9 weeks to train myself to not only like running, but be vaguely good at it. Awesome.

Photos, training stories, and probably gruesome photos of road rash (I'm bound to fall sometime during the next 9 weeks) to come. I think I'm going to Make Myself...Cry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm contemplating making myself run. Good luck!