September 10, 2013

A New Venture

Sometimes when you work with someone for a long period of time, you develop a unique understanding of each other's perspectives, passions and strengths. Working with Jared Kaltwasser at the Home News Tribune/Courier News and NJBIZ was a great blessing to me for many reasons, and when we realized that we would both be relocating to Europe within a few months of each other, the opportunity to continue writing and bouncing ideas off of each other opened up.
Jared, right, with me and our friend/colleague Josh at the 2011 NJBIZ Christmas luncheon.

This has led to a project that both Jared and I are very proud of, a new blog called 4th and Centimeters. 4th and Centimeters is intended to reflect our experiences as sports fans living in Europe, as well as an extension of years of hilarious, poignant, insightful e-mails that we've exchanged.

We will also be tweeting under the handle @4thandCM with smaller bites of sporting observations.

Please check out when you have some free time, and send the word on to people who may enjoy our writing! Thanks for the support!